
Project Location(s) Agency Institution Start Datesort descending End Date PI
Fire Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Amistad National Recreation Area
Amistad National Recreational Area (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/03/2003 02/05/2005
Halvorson, William
Hummingbird Monitoring Network Website
Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, Tumacacori National Historical Park
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 09/03/2003 09/05/2004
Brusca, Richard
Data Mining and Data Entry for the Chihuahuan Desert I&M Network and Development of a Vital Signs Monitoring Plan
Chihuahuan Desert Network
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 09/03/2003 12/05/2005
Caccamise, Donald
Application for Permit to Appropriate Public Water of Arizona, Instream Flow Maintenance, Middle Reach of Rincon Creek, Saguaro National Park
Saguaro National Park and the Water Resources Division
National Park Service
Sonoran Institute 09/04/2003 01/05/2007
Zimmerman, Michelle
Creating a Regional Framework for Ecological Monitoring in the Sonoran Desert
Sonoran Desert Network Parks
National Park Service
Sonoran Institute 09/04/2003 09/06/2004
Chambers, Nina
Fire Management Plan Editing
Saguaro National Park (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/04/2003 11/04/2004
Halvorson, William
Vegetation Mapping of Sonoran Pronghorn Habitat on the Air Force Portion of the Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona
Sonoran Desert
Department of Defense
The University of Arizona 09/19/2003 09/18/2007
McLaughlin, Steve
Sensitivity of Semi-Arid Southwestern Forests to Climate-included Disturbances: Fire History in Northern New Mexico
Bandelier National Monument (New Mexico)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/29/2003 11/20/2005
Swetnam, Thomas
Inventory of High-Elevation Small Mammals with Special Emphasis on the Enigmatic Status of the Red Squirrel
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/29/2003 09/30/2008
Koprowski, John
Desert Speaks Program on El Camino Real del Terreno Adentro
Spanish Colonial Research Center
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 10/02/2003 12/30/2003
Yetman, David
Assess Plant Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Across an Elevational Transect in the Area of El Cielo Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument (Colorado)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 10/03/2003 11/30/2004
Enquist, Brian
Outreach and Information Sharing to Increase Successful Preservation of National Natural Landmarks (NNL) Resources and Program Support
Washington Office, National Natural Landmarks Program
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 10/15/2003 03/30/2006
McPherson, Guy
Influence of Food Resources on Winter Avian Abundance, Diversity and Community Dynamics in Desert Grasslands
Coronado National Memorial
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 11/03/2003 06/04/2005
Mendez-Gonzalez, Cesar
Understanding the Fall Migration of the Endangered Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Coronado National Memorial
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 11/04/2003 03/06/2006
Krebbs, Karen
Mission Parks Initiative: Publication of Strategic Plan and Website Design
Tumacacori National Historical Park (Arizona), San Antonio Missions National Historic Park (Texas), Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Pecos National Monunent (New Mexico)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 12/03/2003 10/15/2006
Becker, Barbara